One of the biggest bugbears of Power Automate cloud, for me anyway, is when, let’s say, I need to access information from Active Directory. Not Azure Active Directory; the old fashioned one. It’s on-premises;…
Category: Cloud
Want to use ChatGPT in your Power solutions? Here’s a step-by-step guide to doing just that! Whether it’s a Power App, a Power Automate flow or even in a Power Virtual Agent, create a…
We’ve all been there. A release to the major CRM suite is on the cards, and it’s touch and go as to whether the legacy software, deployed several years ago, will sink or swim…
Having recently led a very large piece of work for a legal team within the UK to develop and implement a Power Platform solution for contract lawyers, I was rather surprised that the brainiacs…
In this video tutorial, you will learn how to create a weather forecasting app and alerting system using Power Apps and Power Automate. With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can build a…
Instant flows can be tricky. They are great at on-demand actions which need to be run manually, or, more precisely, when someone explicitly does something (like presses a button in a Power App, or…
Do you find yourself struggling with iterating over tables in Excel using native connectors in Power Automate? The problem lies in the fact that these connectors require you to know the exact number of…
While Apply to Each and Do Until are both powerful features in Power Automate, there are specific scenarios where Do Until would work more efficiently than Apply to Each. Do Until is particularly useful…